Qantel Product Resources


Our New Year's Resolution: Make PowerShift work better for you. Customer requirements have always driven development, and we're asking for your input.

Is there something on your wish list? Just give us a simple explanation. Or tell us about a problem you want to solve or a process you want to improve. Perhaps you want a new report or inquiry? Let us know what information you'd like to see. If you don't know what the report/inquiry should look like, that's fine – but if you have ideas about how the data should be presented or have specific formatting requirements, tell us that, too.

Maybe there's QICLOOK inquiry or RPG report that you have to review each time you do an upgrade? Tell us about it – and send us a report sample! If we make it part of PowerShift, it will always be up-to-date – and take advantage of on-going user interface improvements.

Use this form or email with your feature, enhancement, report and inquiry suggestions. You could be rewarded with seeing your request in an upcoming release.



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